C'era una volta in Italia...

book collection of podcasts

By Susanna Fossaluzza, Arkos Academy


€ 14.90

C'era una volta in Italia...

is a collection of different texts about Italian historical facts, characters and curiosities.

Originally conceived as a collection of podcasts, still available in Arkos Academy’s ACCADEMIA, this book will help you improve your comprehension of the Italian language, while learning something new and interesting about Italy.

  • Texts written by a native Italian teacher entirely in Italian, to let you fully live the language.
  • Interesting facts and stories about Italian historical characters or events.
  • Useful notes section, next to the text in Italian, to allow you write your considerations, translations or notes.
  • Vero & Falso section, to test your comprehension of the Italian text in a fun and easy way.
  • Written exercise section, where you can actively write in Italian a summary of what you have read.
  • Downloadable audios related to the texts and recorded by a native Italian teacher.

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